One week: Friday, January 29
- Turn in your poster design to Mr. Ratkevich via Google Classroom
- Submit your poster to the MPY competition using this form
Each poster must have a title.
Project Description:
Create a full-color, well-design, well-crafted poster that effectively communicates the theme described below: We Stand Together (Full description below.)
Size: Sketchbook size or larger
Media: Any
- Develop a creative, unique way of visualizing and representing a personal or social statement.
- Incorporate well-designed, well-crafted text/lettering into your artwork
- Apply your understanding of composition, particularly visual UNITY.
- Challenge yourself to make a finished, well-developed, high-quality showpiece (Not a sketch or rough draft.)
Grading Criteria:
- Creativity - Quality of Idea and Artistic Approach
- Expressiveness/Communication of the Idea
- Quality of Design/Composition
- Craftsmanship - Skillfulness with the art technique
To Start:
- Read the full text below. Think deeply about the theme and the topics.
- Consider symbolism, metaphor, and other possibilities of representing these ideals.
MPY’s Poster and PSA theme for 2020-2021 is
"We Stand Together"
This theme is inspired by Black Lives Matter at School (https://blacklivesmatteratschool.com), a national committee of educators organizing for anti-racism and racial justice in education. The following suggested topics for “We Stand Together” are taken from Black Lives Matter Guiding Principles:
Restorative Justice: the commitment to build a beloved and loving community that is sustainable and growing.
“We know that if you knock down someone's block building, you have to help them rebuild it, you can't just say, ‘Sorry’ and walk away. Another way to say that is ‘restorative justice’ and it's the idea that we have to help people when something happens to them, even if it was by accident.”
Empathy: one’s ability to connect with others by building relationships built on mutual trust and understanding.
“It’s so important to think about how other people feel, because different people have different feelings. Sometimes it helps to think about how you would feel if the same thing that happened to your friend happened to you. Another way say that is empathy.”
Loving Engagement: the commitment to practice justice, liberation, and peace.
“It’s so important to make sure that we are always trying to be fair and peaceful. We have to keep practicing this so that we can get better and better at it. Another way to say that is loving engagement.”
Diversity: the celebration and acknowledgment of differences and commonalities across cultures.
“Different people do different things and have different feelings. It’s so important that we have lots of different kinds of people in our community and that everyone feels safe. Another way to say that is diversity.”
The deadline for POSTER submissions is January 29, 2021.
Submission form can be found HERE
All students who attend schools that are members of Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth (MPY) are eligible.
Click here for membership information.