Due: Thursday, December 8
This week, complete any overdue work, and prepare a portfolio for potential submission to the annual Scholastic Art Awards competition, college applications, and eventually the AP art exam.
Prepare (photograph, scan, and format to size) a full portfolio of between 15 - 20 of your best pieces from the past year (September 2015 - now). From that larger portfolio, create a subset folder of 8 pieces that communicate a single cohesive idea or visual investigation. Then write a 300-word artist statement that answers these questions:
- What idea or visual investigation does your portfolio explore?
- Why is this exploration important to you?
- What do you hope (stays with people/ changes within people/ people see differently) after they view your portfolio?
1. Photograph or scan all your best work.
2. In Photoshop or another image editor, crop the images to the edges of the artwork's picture planes. Rotate if necessary, and resize your images so that the files are a resolution of 300 pixels/inch and at least 5 inches by 7 inches in dimension. Try to keep them below 5 MB. All images should be saved as JPGs and saved as: "01. nameofartwork lastname firstname", "02. nameofartwork lastname firstname" etc.
3. Place your 15 - 20 strongest works in a Google Drive folder entitled "portfolio yourlastname".
4. From that, select the best 8 pieces that seem related. Place them in a folder within the first folder; entitle the new folder "Scholastics yourlastname."
5. Write a 300-word artist statement that answers these questions. Place this document in your "Scholastics yourlastname" Google Drive folder.:
- What idea or visual investigation does your portfolio explore?
- Why is this exploration important to you?
- What do you hope (stays with people/ changes within people/ people see differently) after they view your portfolio?
6. Share your Google Drive folder with Mr. Ratkevich.
7. Register with Scholastic Arts using this link. While you are on the site, look at the samples of student work in each of the categories. If you are a senior, register your Art Portfolio. Upload your images and your essay following the instructions.
8. If you have any images you would like to submit as individual entries, please see Mr. Ratkevich before doing so.
Below are specific instructions for the Scholastic Arts competition Art Portfolio:
Art Portfolio
(officially for graduating seniors only, but all Portfolio students are required to prepare for it. A few portfolios will be officially submitted by BHS to the Scholastic Arts competition.)
A series of 8 distinct works that communicate a single cohesive idea or visual investigation. The works can come from one category or any combination of multiple categories.
Seniors may submit up to two Art Portfolios (i.e. an art portfolio and a photo portfolio, or a graphic design portfolio and a drawing & painting portfolio), but you may not submit the same work in both portfolios.
(Video Game Design and Future New Submissions may not be submitted as part of an Art Portfolio.)
Special Instructions
Each work within the Art Portfolio is subject to the same upload rules as its equivalent in individual categories. For example, a sculpture entry as part of a portfolio is allowed up to four images, while a photography entry is allowed one image.
- In addition to the artwork, submit a 300 word Artist Statement answering the following questions:
- What idea or visual investigation does your portfolio explore?
- Why is this exploration important to you?
- What do you hope (stays with people/changes within people/people see differently) after they view your portfolio?
- Artist statements may be entered on the “Create Portfolio” page.
- Work included in a portfolio may also be submitted in an individual category (i.e. Drawing and Illustration, Mixed Media, etc.). You will be able to indicate if you want to submit a work a part of a portfolio only, an individual submission only, or both on your student dashboard.
- Seniors may resubmit artworks submitted to the Scholastic Awards in a previous year as part of their Art Portfolio.
- Do not include any identifying information, such as your name, in the title of your portfolio or the works included in the submission.