CONCENTRATION for Terms 3 and 4
The Concentration section shows the student's in-depth exploration of a particular design concern. It is presented as 12 images, some of which may be details of works. The emphasis is on a coherent development of an idea through a body of work, in addition to the artistic success of the work.
View the AP site for samples of student Concentrations. Note the scores they received, and the rationales the evaluators used for the scoring. Also read some of the concentration essays. I've included some in the linked document to get you thinking about your own concentration.
For Thursday, February 16, you will need to turn in a short essay (2 paragraphs) describing your concentration idea and how you plan on exploring that idea, and one completed concentration project. From now until mid-April, you will be completing ONE or TWO concentration projects per week (in and out of class).
2. Click on Studio Art: Drawing or Studio Art: 2D Design
3. Review: Portfolio Requirements at a Glance
4. Then look for: Concentration with Student Samples
5. Read the students statements describing their Concentrations.
6. Write a proposal for your concentration that answers the following questions:
- What is the central idea of your concentration
- How do you plan to explore that idea?
From now until Thursday April 26, you will be focused on developing your Concentration and filling in the gaps in the other two sections of the AP Studio Art Exam (Quality and Breadth). In addition to the artwork, you will also be turning in an essay about your work.
As soon as you can, create a Digital Submissions account and complete uploading images into the Breadth section.
The following will be due for the term 3 grade: AT LEAST NINE completely developed art pieces for your Concentration – “Exam-worthy”. These will be graded according to the rigorous standards set forth by the AP College Board. View samples of student work online for comparison.
Term 3 Deadlines
Feb. 2 (Thursday)
- 1 fully-realized, exam-worthy Concentration piece
Feb. 9 (Thursday)
- 1 fully-realized, exam-worthy Concentration piece
Feb. 16 (Thursday)
- Written concentration proposal (typed) – Answer the following:
- What is the central idea of your concentration
- How do you plan to explore that idea?
- 1 fully-realized, exam-worthy Concentration piece
Use this time to complete the next 2 Concentration piece, improve older pieces, and get up to date
(You should have 5 pieces by the following week.)
March 1 (WEDNESDAY!) -- (I will be away on Thursday and Friday this week.)
- 2 fully-realized, exam-worthy Concentration pieces
March 9 (Thursday) –
- 1 fully-realized, exam-worthy Concentration pieces -- graded separately
- Create AP Exam Account and Upload Breadth section of exam
March 16 (Thursday) –
- 1 fully-realized, exam-worthy Concentration pieces -- graded separately
March 23 (Thursday) –
- 1 fully-realized, exam-worthy Concentration pieces -- graded separately
March 30 (Thursday) –
- 1 fully-realized, exam-worthy Concentration pieces -- graded separately
March 31 (Friday) –
End of term 3
By this date, you need to have completed NINE Concentration pieces, drafted your essay, uploaded your Breadth section, and selected your 5 Quality pieces.
Term 4 Deadlines
April 6 (Thursday)
- 2 fully-realized projects for Concentration
April 12 (WEDNESDAY) –
- 1 fully-realized project for Concentration
- Upload all work
- Refine essay for your Concentration for final feedback.
VACATION WEEK (April 17 - April 21)
Work on remaining pieces for Concentration, Quality and Breadth.
Refine your weaker submissions. Final revision of essay for your Concentration.
Upload remaining work. Complete your digital submission.
WEDNESDAY, April 26 – (I will be away on Thursday this week.)
- Essay about Concentration -- revised and perfected
- Completion and Forwarding of AP Portfolio Exam (Breadth and Quality) to Mr. R
In addition to the twelve images, Section II of the exam requires a concise written commentary describing your concentration. Be clear in your wording, thoughtful, and not at all redundant. i.e. only say things worth saying, and say them well. This may be a revision of your earlier proposal. When preparing your commentary, keep in mind that the digital submission application on the AP website has a built-in character limit for responses to each of the two commentary questions:
- Clearly and simply state the central idea of your sustained investigation. (500 characters maximum)
- Explain how your work demonstrates you intent and the sustained investigation of your idea. You may refer to specific images as examples. When referencing specific images, please indicate the image numbers. (1350 characters maximum)
Upon completion of the Concentration series, AP Studio Art students (with their peers in the Portfolio course) put together the annual Portfolio Exhibition in May (a week or two from seniors’ last day). They design artistic invitations and send them out to friends and family. They select the work they will display, each having their own set of display panels, post their artist statements, bring food, and host the event. They are on hand to speak about their work and answer any questions from friends, family, and community members.