Using acrylics, paint a still life comprised of two cereal boxes or other packages.
- Improve observational accuracy
- Build a strong composition
- Notice (and recreate) subtle color changes
- Mix colors with specificity and accuracy
- Establish form via chiaroscuro and color changes
- Improve your ability to create a rich range of tonal value
- Become skillful with painting
- Learn proper maintenance of painting tools
- Boxes (two package designs)
- Drawing paper
- Pencil or charcoal
- Canvas or canvas panel
- Bristle brushes
- palette
- acrylic paints
- water container
- paper towel or rags
- brush cleaner
- (Easel)
Grading Criteria:
- Composition
- Accuracy
- Recreation of nuances of color and value
- Color Harmony
- "Completeness" - Craftsmanship
To Start:
Draw thumbnails and/or rough drafts of the composition, in pencil or charcoal on paper, blocking out the basic arrangement of lights and darks
Self Critique Questions
What questions do you need to ask yourself on an ongoing basis to improve your chances for success?