Due MONDAY, March 23, 2015
Project Description:
Write five (5) ideas for concentrations. Each idea should be described in detail, in at least 3 sentences. Your concentration is a series of artworks that focus on the exploration and development of a single idea or theme, and/or on the development of technical skills in a particular medium or combination of media or of particular design concerns. Your concentration should be something you have been dying to try out, something that would excite you do be able to do for 5 - 6 weeks.
Examples of what concentrations might look like can be found here:
Click on Drawing, 2D Design, or 3D Design, then click on student examples for the Concentration section of the AP portfolio.
Please type your list. Note that you are listing different ideas for five different series, not 5 ideas for the images in a single series. Here's what you're list might look like (I've listed ten here. You are only required to submit five AWESOME, well-developed possibilities.):
My Concentration Ideas
1. Portraits of everyone in the class. I will try to use as many mediums as I can, experiment with mark-making, and capture their personalities through style.
2. Scenes of music affecting people (from reference and imagination), and musical instruments with dynamic angles (from life).
3. Oil pastel portraits of my friends, based on distorted photos I take using my iPad and iPad filters. I am concerned with exaggeration and distortion.
4. Paintings illustrating Loss. Trying to give a sense the different ways people may experience loss. Loss of friendship, of loved ones, etc. Trying to capture the feeling itself through facial expression, body language, style, color, etc.
5. Twelve picture book spreads illustrating one of Aesop's fables, but placed in the modern day with modern dress and a city environment. I will focus on figure-figure relationships, figure-ground relationships, composition and clear visual narrative (storytelling with pictures).
6. A series of logos for non-profit corporations, using Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.
7. A series of collages in the style of the artist Romare Bearden, focusing on the joy of people's everyday lives (after work, at dinner, etc.)
8. Close-ups of vegetables, in fine detail, in photographic quality, drawn in color pencil.
9. Movie posters for made-up movies. Each poster will have stylistic similarities with the others in the series, but each will also be unique, distinctive. I will make one for a romantic comedy, a western, and action movie, a documentary, a science-fiction movie, etc. I will pay particular attention to the visual impact of the design, and really apply my understanding of design principles (contrast, positive and negative space, visual movement, etc.).
10. A series of graphic designs centered around the number 13, as a carrier of many ideas. The number thirteen was far more than a date on a calendar. Thirteen can be a part of a number base, has historic roots in architecture, time, and United States history, and is the basis of some pretty impressive words.
Monday, March 23 (MONDAY)
- Write five (5) ideas for concentrations. Each idea should be described in detail, in at least 3 sentences.
Thursday, April 2 – End of term 3
Term 4 Deadlines
April 1 (Wednesday) –
- 2 fully-realized, exam-worthy Concentration pieces
- Two fully-realized projects for Concentration
- Two fully-realized projects for Concentration
April 29 (Wednesday)
- One fully-realized project for Concentration, AND
- Artistic invitation to the Portfolio Exhibition reception (ink)
- Artist Statement AND
- Name Design for Exhibition Space