We will begin this in class, and you will continue it at home.
Brainstorm, write thoughtfully, come up with several events and ideas, and develop the composition by drawing a number of thumbnail sketches (See linked examples.).
Any size between 12 x 16” and 18 x 24”
Ink or color
- Represent multiple figures and events in a single, strong, detailed composition
- Convey mood and meaning
- Show off your strongest skills
Step One:
In your classroom journal, write in detail about an event you've participated in or dream you've had. The more detailed content you develop, the better.
Some things to consider:
- What are the most vivid memories you have of the event? What moments do you remember?
- What physical/visual details can you remember?
- Describe emotional or dramatic possibilities.
Grading Criteria
- Creativity
- Content (Development and communication of ideas)
- Design
- Technical Quality (“Finished”)
- Studio Work Habits
This is a pre-assessment to find out what you already know and skills you already possess.
As the measuring tool, I will be using the attached rubric regarding Studio Habits of Mind.
Answer these questions after you've completed your artwork:
- Remember that the objective was to illustrate multiple ideas/aspects. What multiple concepts did you include and how did you arrange them into a single composition?
- How detailed and thoughtful was your written notes? Did you use it as a method of informing and enriching your visual work?
- In what ways did you convey feelings/mood in your work? How did you convey drama?
- One of the objectives of this project was to apply what you know about good composition. How is this a good composition? Which of the principles of design did you consider in developing the composition? How have you used contrast? Emphasis? Balance? Visual movement? Positive and negative space? Implied triangle? Etc.
- Did you draw thumbnail sketches to test out ideas and develop the composition before you began your larger image?
- Which of your skills and strengths did you show off in this piece?
- When did you know this was finished? How does this fit your idea of a high-quality, finished artwork?
- What do you like best about your final piece?
- What do you think needs further work?