Independence Day Flyer/Poster
Project Description:
Create a full color illustration or design to be used as the imagery for a flyer/poster for Burlington's 4th of July Celebration (including a parade). Your approach should be innovative and exciting, and it should demonstrate the skills and knowledge of a well-trained artist.
Wednesday, May 13
Your choice. This may be a color drawing, painting, graphic, collage (with photos you take yourself). In any case, it must have rich color and be very refined.
Any. If larger than letter-sized paper, you will need to scan or photograph it next week. It needs to be reducible to letter-size for the flyer. The flyer will be letter-sized (8 1/2 x 11"). The design you create may also be used as the cover for a program of the event.
- You must draw and provide thumbnails and rough drafts
- Full color
- Color scheme appropriate for the event
- Conveys the spirit of American Independence
- Space for information about the event
- Must be completely original
- If you include the text, it must be easy to read and make visual sense.
The poster will include the following text (or something like it):
- Join us for an Independence Day celebration
- on the Town Common starting at 8:30 am
- Kids games, dog show, and more
- Burlington's 4th of July parade starts at 11 am
- Bring the whole family
- Event sponsored by American Legion Post 273 and The Town of Burlington.
If you'd like, you can include the text yourself as part of your design. If you choose to leave it out, you must design the space ("areas of visual rest") for the text to be added by Mr. Mistler's Digital Publishing class.
Grading Criteria:
- Strength of Concept -- How well you communicate the spirit of the holiday
- Strength of Design -- Good composition; thoughtful and effective use of the elements and principles of design; visual impact
- Technical quality of drawing, painting, graphics skills, media manipulation, etc.
- Creativity/Inventiveness -- How unusual, unique is your design?
To Start:
- Research -- View and critique professional designs
- Draw a series of thumbnail sketches
- Rough draft
- Refine