Develop a habit of regularly using your sketchbook and looking closely and carefully at things (particularly nature).
Fill up four pages of your sketchbook with pencil sketches, ink drawings, color pencil studies, and watercolor paintings of natural forms and scenes done from observations. Make multiple entries on each page. In the end, you will have between one and two dozen drawings in your first week, following the model of Clare Walker Leslie's books. Use Drawn to Nature as a model of the form that your sketchbook will take over the course of the semester.
Have a variety of subjects, which may include:
Close-ups: leaves, branches, acorns,
Groupings: branches with clusters of leaves; plants with many parts
Spaces: sections of landscapes painted on site or through your window
Colors of the sky at a particular time
Cloud formations
Rubric for Nature Journal
Introduction to the work of Claire Walker Leslie
Clare Walker Leslie is a nationally recognized wildlife artist, naturalist, educator and author. She attended the School at Rose Valley from 1950 to 1957, during a time when according to Clare “children grew up outside.” Clare grew up in Swarthmore. After leaving SRV in 1957, Clare went to the Swarthmore public schools. She received her B.A. from Carleton College in Art History. Her father, Bob Walker, taught in the Art History Department at Swarthmore College, and her mother, Alice, was very involved at SRV during the 40’s and 50’s. Clare’s older sisters also attended the school, Allie from 1943 to 1953, and Betsy from 1944 to 1954. Clare studied at the Bear Tooth School of Art in Montana, as well as in France and Scotland. For more than twenty-five years Clare has conducted yearlong residencies and short-term workshops for students and teachers at many nature centers, colleges and universities, public and private K-12 schools, and professional organizations throughout the country. She helped found the Habitat Institute for the Environment in Belmont, MA and has published eight books including Nature All Year Long, Nature Drawing: A Tool for Learning, A Naturalist’s Sketchbook: Pages from the Seasons of a Year, The Art of Field Sketching, The Ancient Celtic Festivals and How We Celebrate Them Today, and Keeping a Nature Journal: Discover a Whole New Way of Seeing the World Around You.