One week
Project Description:
A landscape drawing (of your family's property or somewhere in your neighborhood) that differentiates foreground, middle-ground, and background
- Organize the observable world into a strong composition
- Distinguish foreground, middle-ground, and background with line.
- Improve accuracy of observational drawing: proportion, scale and placement.
- Improve ability to concentrate on the big picture rather than small details
- Draw trees, grass, and other forms that look natural and organic
- Graphite (pencil set - Use B, 2B and 4B pencils)
- Eraser
- Pencil sharpener
- Sketchbook (11 x 14", 60 lb. paper)
- The landscape you select must have "deep space".
- Use the entire picture plane.
- Make this a "portfolio-worthy" drawing.
Grading Criteria:
- Design of the page - Organization of the landscape
- Realism of perspective
- Realism of the landscape and its parts - Are they convincing?
To Start:
Lightly block out the basic arrangement of major forms in your view. "See the forest through the trees", in other words. Don't get caught up in detail in the beginning.
Helpful Resources
The images below were found at these sites, where you will be able to find more information about the artists as well as other examples of landscape drawing and painting:
The Fitz Museum: Peter Paul Rubens
The British Museum: Canaletto
Encyclopedia Britannica: Durer
Remember to:
- Fill the page.
- DESIGN the page: Consider the entire page as a composition.
- Consider the aesthetic relationships between the positive and negative shapes.
- Be ACCURATE: Get the lines and shapes right.