Create a color pencil drawing of an orange or oranges, partially peeled and set on a table surface.
Color pencil
- Create a well-designed composition from an observed arrangement
- Improve observational accuracy
- Indicate how light affects color hue and temperature
- Render convincingly realistic surface textures
Grading Criteria:
- Accuracy/Realism of contour and proportion
- Realism of form -- three dimensionality using chiaroscuro (values)
- Realism in rendering changes in color (hue, temperature and value)
- Realism in rendering surface textures
- Strength of composition.
To Start:
Start with a light line, using the 2B pencil, to capture accurate contour and proportion exactly as you observe them.
As you draw, ask yourself if you are doing the following (You should be!):
- Consider the entire page as a composition.
- Use a full range of tonal value and good contrast. Reserve white for the highlights.
- Creating a sense of three-dimensional form.
- Noticing subtle color changes (hue, value and temperature)
- Rendering textures.
AND When you believe you are close to completing this, ask yourself:
- In its present state, is this something you can put in your portfolio for college applications?